IN May 2018, Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON) met one of their first deadlines and announced that Ran Neuner, one of the world’s most influential individuals in Crypto, would be their newest advisor. You can see him all summer long reporting for CNBC as the “Crypto Trader.” Ran’s expertise and following in the crypto-community is endless and continuously growing. The ANON team is looking forward to all the skill, experience, and wisdom he can add to the ANON Community.
On June 26, 2018, there will be a partnership announcement with a blockchain related enterprise for both ANON and ZClassic (ZCL), adding to this, ANON begun their Community Building Engagement Program to giveaway 5,000+ ZCL to contributors from the cryptocurrency community.
Both ANON and ZCL are supporting each other and working collaboratively to better each other after the upcoming fork. That being said, exchange outreach has started with many top volume exchanges for both ANON and ZCL to both be listed. No coin left behind. Two well-established development teams, ZClassic Blue, and ZClassic Community Devs have submitted proposals to Bitcoin Private (BTCP) to take over ZCL’s GitHub and Twitter account formally.
Yes, you heard correctly, BTCP currently holds ZCL’s Twitter. The ZCL community is hopeful BTCP helps expedite the two teams’ takeover of ZCL by relinquishing their control over both the ZClassic Twitter and ZClassic GitHub. BTCP no longer has interest in the success of ZCL and therefore should allow a team interested in its future and success to control the Twitter and GitHub.
The future of ANON and ZCL is a collaborative one, not a combative one. The ANON development team could not be more excited to work together and collaborate with ZClassic Blue and ZClassic Community Devs for the future of ZCL and ANON. The teams are working so well that ANON’s lead developers are ahead of schedule and are even debating moving up the fork date.
The Evolution of Privacy Coins
There have been many issues with previous privacy coins and hard forks. Traditionally, development teams and senior management are hardly seen in-person or interacting with members of the crypto-community on social mediums including Twitter, Discord, or Telegram. Development teams have missed deadlines and not kept their promises. Advisors have been listed for no reason other than to make a website “look” more legit. Worst of all, teams have continued to abandon forked projects only a few months after snapshot.
These continued mistakes and acts of incompetence have left the crypto-community questioning the legitimacy of hard-forks and privacy coins specifically.
What if there was a coin where its senior management team attended conferences, documented the teams’ interactions, and provided written/video updates about what the team is working on? What if the coin-founder and development team was available on social channels all day to answer genuine questions and kill any FUD regarding the project? ANON works hard, day and night to make sure that these questions are statements. With a completely transparent fork, built on an active community, ANON will set the standard for financial privacy and privacy coins.
While many privacy coins have been developed in the past two years, ANON has watched and learned from behind the scenes. ANON is now stepping out from behind the curtain, onto the main stage, to bring the crypto-community the privacy coin that they have all been waiting for and so much deserve. ANON will be combining all the best attributes of the current privacy coins and make one effective financial privacy solution.
ANON is excited to be off to a great start in the development process as they continue to make deadlines. Living up to their promises, ANON released their white paper to the public a few weeks ago. To learn more about the project and get an in-depth understanding of the ANON’s plans, goals, and strategies, the white paper can be accessed on the ANON website. As the white paper is rather long, here are some essential questions that are answered by the white papers.
Who is behind ANON’s development?
The two leaders of ANON’s Development Team are Sam Abbassi and Christopher Arguello (co-founders of Bushido Lab). Chris is an “industry veteran, and full-stack wizard turned blockchain engineer” with several years of experience leading development teams both local and remote. He specializes in the low-level protocol development and is currently the leading the engineering team at ANON.
Sam is a former medical researcher, journalist, and computer science student who specialized in blockchain architecture and crypto-economics. He is a public speaker, blockchain advocate, and economics professor. As Bushido Lab has already been contracted and paid a year past fork date, ANON will have continued development and maintenance of the ANON blockchain.
With such an active development team, in it for the long haul, ANON intends to have little to no problems in the technical realms. ANON is lucky to have such experienced leadership at the head of their development process.
Not only does ANON have an impressive development team, but the project is stacked with expert advisors from all over the crypto-community. First and foremost, Steven Nerayoff, Esq., LL. M. (Advisor – ETH, LISK, AION) has been with the team since project’s inception. Steven is a blockchain pioneer and engineer with his involvement in top projects including Ethereum, Lisk, Bancor, tZERO, ZenCash, ZCash, Ripio, Aion and Storm. Steven is most well-known for his innovative work as the legal architect of Ethereum’s record-setting token sale. Steven is also the founder of Alchemist. Finding his niche in crypto, he specializes in blockchain project development and investment. His expertise in the crypto-space are extensive, and his network has led to the successful listings of many cryptocurrencies on top volume exchanges.
Another founder on the team since its beginning is Eli Blatt, Ph.D. Eli is a Stanford Ph.D. who is the Founder and CEO of cryptocurrency startup BitFinance an online investment platform “democratizes” banking using new blockchain technology Among his experience in the crypto-community, Eli has veteran experiences in the business world before his involvement in crypto.
The founder and leader of the ANON Team is Jake Greenbaum, known as “The Crypto King.” Jake graduated with a finance and international business degree from the prestigious Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.
While highly scrutinized on social media, the Crypto Compliance Team stands ready to help ANON in this unique space, where laws are regularly changing and are being implemented by regulatory bodies across the globe. ANON’s Crypto Compliance Team is in place to ensure that all rules are followed, and guarantee any new legislation is reviewed efficiently with its impact quickly determined. ANON’s Crypto Compliance Team wants its investors assured that ANON would not run into the legal problems that other coins have previously faced.
CNBC’s own Ran Neuner has joined the ANON team as its newest advisor. ANON met Ran Neuner while attending the team’s first conference in Miami, May 2018. After Miami, The ANON team bumped into Ran at few meetings and began to develop a relationship. While Ran was happy to help a new company announce their presence to the crypto community, he was not as supportive of ANON at the beginning of the project as people would think.
The team behind the development of ANON shows how ANON will be setting the standard for privacy coins in the future. The ANON Team is stacked with some of the best computer developers, as well as some most experienced crypto-entrepreneurs. This will be an exciting project to watch unfold into one of the top privacy coins and most publicized plans of 2018.
How Can I get some ANON?
To receive ANON, you must be holding Bitcoin (BTC) or ZClassic (ZCL) at the time of the snapshot. The ANON will be provided in a 1:1 ratio for each BTC and ZCL held at the time of the snapshot, September 10th at 8:00 PM EST. A holder with eight BTC and two ZCL would receive ten ANON at the time of the snapshot.
A snapshot of both the ZCL and BTC blockchain will take place at precisely 8:00 PM EST. The current supply of total BTC and ZCL at the time of the fork is projected to be approximately twenty-four million coins. Consequently, an immediate circulating supply of approximately 24M ANON. The total supply of ANON will be capped at thirty-one and a half million coins, allowing for further mining of block rewards for the community.
One of the most important aspects to a coin’s initial success is significant exchange listings. Test nets will be live August 10, 2018, allowing the team to work on any unanticipated issues one month before the September 10, 2018 snapshot. As test nets go live August 10th, exchange announcements will occur by August 15th, as the most critical exchanges monitor test nets and wallets to ensure security. The snapshot will happen on Sept 10, 2018, and as of January 1st, 2019, all the unclaimed ANON from the snapshot will be burned. This will dramatically reduce the circulating supply associated with unaware individuals and exchanges.
The Future of ANON
The future of ANON is becoming more and more evident. As other coins have been having trouble in the bear market. ZCL has remained stable through this bear market and if anything has been on the rise. The current ZCL dev teams are collaborating and supporting the ANON fork. With prominent exchange listings on the horizon coupled with significant partnerships and new advisors, the next few months are essential for both ZCL and ANON.
One of ANON’s top advisors made a comment that further shows just how much the team and community believe in its success not just for the fork but long term as well:
“In crypto, you are either a top ten coin, or you slowly will fade into oblivion. ANON we will build into a crypto top 10. I wouldn’t have joined the project had I expected any less.”
ANON’s team is looking to fork transparently while setting the standard for how future crypto and forks are handled in general. The time of entirely anonymous teams are history, not even for Anonymous Bitcoin. Transparency shall rule the blockchain even in the world of privacy coins. The future is here, and that future is ANON.
ANON is Not Just a Coin; It’s a Community
ANON is more than just a coin. It is a community. Coin Founder, Jake Greenbaum, came into the crypto-community by building an active community of support that some know well as the “Crypto Kingdom.” He has initially been on social media channels to help people understand cryptocurrencies and the volatility of the market.
As his community support grew stronger, this opportunity came to him through the kingdom. The community gave him this opportunity, and it will be the community that makes this coin the privacy coin that the crypto-community wants and needs. The ANON team intends to incorporate ideas from the community to make this the best currency available.
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Original Post: News Update: ZClassic and Anonymous Bitcoin