A team of developers based in Switzerland say they are in the final stages to launch a pool that will let anyone holding PoS coins stake together and share rewards
Pool of Stake has an ambitious objective in the blockchain world: creating ta pool to stake Proof of Stake tokens. You probably know that many blockchains are using a different protocol to verify transactions than the original one used by Bitcoin. This new protocol is called Proof of Stake (PoS). Unlike the previous one, it doesn’t require computers power to “mine” new Bitcoins, but instead verifies blocks by various combinations of random selection by measuring coin wealth or age. We will not get to technical in this article, so in a few words: In PoS blockchains, you don’t mine, you stake, and staking only requires you to hold coins in a special wallet. T
he previous paragraph might have been a bit of a tongue-twister, so just take the last sentence: In PoS blockchains, you “stake” by holding your coins in a special wallet where you can’t spend them until you stop “staking”. This process comes with a lot of issues. Users have to stay online 24/7, any internet disruption would restart the process. Additionally, “stakers” with a small amount usually don’t earn anything.
Pool of Stake aims to solve these issues. The team aims to pool funds from several users so they can start staking together and generate rewards for all!
What did all that mean? Everyone with PoS coins can us Pool of Stake to generate a passive income.
Public Presale – 18/06/2018 12:00 CEST
The project is currently offering a discount for early adopters. The project will do a Public Presale that predates the ICO. The details are as follows:
- Allocated Tokens: 19,1M €
- Value: 4,25M € Discount rate: 26%
- Bonus rate: 35% PSK unit price: 0,22 €
- Start date: 18/06/2018 12:00 CEST
- Stop date: 20/07/2018 12:00 CEST
This public presale gives early adopters a hefty 26% discount.
Additionally, investors will get 35% of the purchased tokens for free. Pool of Stake aims to lower entry barriers to staking and it lets everyone participate in securing a blockchain.
About Pool of Stake
Pool of Stake started in June of 2017, when blockchain experts Andrea Balzini and Davide Borella teamed up with Dario Calderoni, an expert in supply chain management and e-commerce, with the clear objective of creating a pool for PoS blockchains. The team has never lost focus on the main objective and has consistently added reputable members to the team. The next important date for the project is the public presale, starting on the 18th of June of 2018.
The post New Project Aims to Release a Pool for Proof of Stake Blockchains appeared first on BTCMANAGER.
Source: BTCManager.com
Original Post: New Project Aims to Release a Pool for Proof of Stake Blockchains