Bubbletone and DeHedge have signed an agreement to hedge Bubbletone UMT tokens via the DeHedge risk-hedging platform with100% protection against token price drops. Сontract value is the $1 mln equivalent in UMT tokens.
ICO Investments Have Never Been This Safe
For the first time in crypto history, a fintech company is providing 100% risk hedging for a project. This is a game-changing initiative, which can bring down barriers preventing large players of traditional money markets from investing in cryptos.
Mikhail Chernov, founder and CEO of DeHedge, was quite optimistic about the Bubbletone ICO and noted that, because of the social and economic value of the project, Bubbletone became the first project with 100% coverage against token price drops.
“We believe this contract has become a huge step towards our future relationship with investors and partners, and it is a great honour for our Bubbletone team that the project has been commended so highly by the committee of international experts from DeHedge,” commented CEO and founder of Bubbletone Yury Morozov.
Bubbletone investors can buy hedged UMT Tokens on the DeHedge platform or at https://bubbletone.io /by using a designated button in their Personal Accounts.
How It Works
You acquire 40,000 UMT Tokens at a price of 0.00025 ETH/ UMT = 10 ETH
2 months later, the UMT Tokens are listed on the exchange and traded at a price of 0.00015 ETH. You lose 4 ETH.
In your investor’s Personal Account on the DeHedge website, you apply for loss compensation, and DeHedge pays you 4 ETH.
Payments are guaranteed by a smart contract through reservation of funds in the ETH wallet.
About Bubbletone
Bubbletone is the first decentralized telecom ecosystem, which allows mobile network operators, phone users, and service providers to interact directly via blockchain. It also eliminates roaming costs and offers additional revenue streams.
About DeHedge
DeHedge is the first decentralized risk-hedging platform for cryptocurrency investors. DeHedge secures investments in ICOs and cryptocurrencies, protecting investors against exchange rate fluctuations, scams, and project cancellations.
Images courtesy of Bubbletone
The post Telecom Startup Bubbletone Offers Tokens with 100% Risk Protection via Dehedge Risk-Hedging Platform appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
Source: Bitcoinist.com
Original Post: Telecom Startup Bubbletone Offers Tokens with 100% Risk Protection via Dehedge Risk-Hedging Platform